A breakthrough scalable and emission-free drying system for
- CTMP rejects, sludge and chips
- DAF sludges
- Pulper rejects
- Sidestreams and rejects in
- mining industry, minerals and metals
- cement industry
- food industry
- fertilizer industry
- Biofuels
- Fertilizers
- Wood chips
- Foodstuffs
- Granular solids
- Fibrous cakes and pastes
SuperDryer™ runs with renewables
SuperDryer is a breakthrough drying system that makes the drying process clean and energy-efficient, and delivers a high-quality end product.
SuperDryer is designed to run with renewable energy and it replaces old, dirty and energy consuming technologies. It is compact and scalable to many production sizes, from large pulp mills to small local recycling units.
SuperDryer revolutionizes the drying process. Together with Zero-Ex® it delivers maximum utility for industrial drying processes.
- 100% emission-free when fitted with Zero-Ex®
- Heat recovery up to 100%
- Moisture recovery up to 100%
- Scalable to different sizes and to all production capacities from large pulp mills to small local recycling units
- Tailorable to any type of production
- Compact; a 50% smaller unit size than contemporary systems
- Easy continuous or intermittent operation
- Compact installation
- Low OPEX
- Turns wasteful reject flows into profit
How it works
The SuperDryer™ works with a wide range of air temperatures (60 – 200°C) depending on end product, and can be adapted to many different heating options:
- Steam heat exchanger
- Electric heater
- Heat pump
- Waste heat
SuperDryer™ dries the material in a heated air stream and produces a continuous output of dried material. The optimal drying conditions and final dryness of the product are easily controlled with only a few operating parameters. Our complementing product Zero-Ex® washes the exhaust air, eliminates harmful emissions, and recaptures the latent heat of the evaporated water.
Let us show how SuperDryer™ works with your material
TM Systems’ test facility in Turku, Finland offers a confidential experimentation platform for drying biomasses and side streams. In the designated testing facilities we run drying tests with a small sample of your material, verifying the concept and adjusting the operational parameters to suit your goals. Read more here or directly contact Markus Hallapuro, CEO.
Interested in SuperDryer™ for Biomass, Sludges and Industrial Sidestreams?
Contact us and our experts will reach out to you.
where SuperDryer™ for Biomass, Sludges and Industrial Sidestreams can be used
where SuperDryer™ for Biomass, Sludges and Industrial Sidestreams can be used