Mondi Stambolijski, Serbia

Mondi Stambolijski: Trimvac® – Paper Edge Trim System

TM Systems and Mondi completed their project, which involved installing a new paper edge trim system. The previous trim conveying system was not efficient enough, and the existing ejector-based system prevented the winder from operating at full speed.

Furthermore, the ejector air was blown into the pulper, causing the area to become over-pressurized, which not only affected the performance but also resulted in excessively high energy consumption.

To address these challenges, we installed a Trimvac® trim conveying system, which is known for its efficiency and reliability. Along with this, we designed and supplied new trim chutes to ensure optimal performance.


The Client:

Mondi Stambolijski, Serbia

TM Systems provided

Trimvac® – Paper Edge Trim System


  • Reduction of the energy consumption.
  • The winder is able to run at full speed even with significantly wider trims. 
  • The pulper area is no longer over-pressurized, resulting in reduced humidity in the area thus eliminating the corrosion of the equipment. 

Successful delivery of the project

Given the continuous operation of the winder, the installation of the new equipment was accurately planned and executed during a short shutdown period, minimizing any potential disruption to the customer’s operations.

The tight schedule included the installation, commissioning, and start-up of the systems, after which the winder was immediately able to run smoothly at full speed, trouble-free. Our successful delivery ensured that production did not suffer.

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