Setubal Portugal: Large scale Trimvac® – Paper Edge Trim System for a new converting plant

A Trimvac® trim handling system for a new converting plant in Setubal, Portugal.

The converting plant Trimvac® separator with a diameter of 5,3 metres is the largest ever built by TM Systems®.


Setubal, Portugal

Paper Edge Trim System for a new converting plant

Setubal Portugal: Large scale Trimvac® – Paper Edge Trim System for a new converting plant

A Trimvac Paper Edge Trim System was installed at a new converting plant in Setubal, Portugal. The Trimvac Separator at the converting plant, with a diameter of 5.3 metres is the largest ever built by TM Systems.

The biggest requirement was a scalable and energy efficient solution. Another requirement was to minimize the pressure losses of the system and thus the energy consumption at Setubal’s new converting plant. 

Scalability was essential due to the size of the converting hall and the large number of cut size and folio sheeters. Different sheeters have variable demands for trim handling.

The customer already had 10 years of experience with the Trimvac® system at their Soporcel Mill, so it was a safe choice to select TM Systems’ Trimvac for their new mill.

TM Systems provided a complete solution, including a large-scale Trimvac system for the converting plant. This is the largest Trimvac built to date, with a diameter of 5.3 meters.

The client:

Setubal, Portugal

TM Systems provided:

Trimvac® – Paper Edge Trim System


  • Reduction of the energy consumption.
  • Low maintenance costs.
  • The system has only one standard vacuum fan which does not require cutting knives which would require frequent maintenance.  
  • Minimizing the cleaning costs.

TM Systems also delivered a dry paper edge trim system for the commissioning period of the sheeters and for the times when the machine is shut down and the pulpers are not in operation.

A dust removal system for the sheeters was also delivered. In total, TM Systems provided Trimvac systems for 11 machines.

How it works

One of the most important features of the Trimvac® system is that it does not disturb trim cutting at the sheeters. The tension of the trim can be adjusted to meet different production demands.

The duct sections, such as t-connections, elbows, etc., for the trim handling system were carefully designed to minimize pressure losses and, consequently, energy consumption.

The width of the trim varies, requiring different parameters for the branches. The longest distance from a sheeter to the Trimvac® separator is over 150 meters.