TM Systems® was invited to represent energy efficiency solutions at The Clean Day 2015 in Beijing. The event took place November 17th.
In the event Mrs. Marja Rislakki, the Ambassador of Finland to China and Mr. Wang Xiaoyang, Division Chief, Energy Saving Department, MIIT were addressing the close cooperation of Finland.
Mr. Wang Xiaokang, Director CIECCPA (China Industrial Energy Conservation and Clean Production Association) gave a review of Chinese ESCO industry and Mr. Bai Qiang, Energy Research Institute, National Development & Reform Commission (NDRC) presented Chinese Industrial Energy Efficiency, state and target in 13th 5-year plan. Finnish solutions were summarised by Mr Eero Siitonen, Senior Adviser, Finpro.
The Clean Day 2015: Energy Efficiency in Industry was hosted by TEAM FINLAND & China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). The event was part of Beautiful Beijing growth program, which is a cross industry platform for concrete Cleantech collaboration between Finland and China (http://www.beautifulbeijing.com/en/?p=289).