Turn Your Waste into a Source of Energy or Merchandise 

Sludge from industries, by-products from biogas and recycled fiber plants, sludge from distilleries and breweries as well as municipal waste from water treatment – it all can be turned into new commodity with business value and to reduce the negative impact of landfilling it.

If not digested to produce biogas, it can be dried and used among other things as bedding, fertilizer, raw material for recycled fibers or as a substitute for fossil fuels. Read how our SuperDryer™ technology does it.

In larger urban centers especially, energy production from municipal sludge is a viable option. If the sludge is digested to produce biogas, our proven Zero-Ex® closed circulation technology combats the typical problems of the sludge handling: pollutants, foul odors and wasted energy.

Sidestreams and by-products to support bioenergy and circular economy 

Sidestreams and by-products, such as sludge from industries, by-products from biogas and recycled fiber plants, sludge from distilleries and breweries as well as municipal waste from water treatment – it can be dried and used as, among other things, bedding, fertilizer, raw material for recycled fibers or as a substitute for fossil fuels.

SuperDryer™ is a breakthrough drying system that revolutionizes the drying process by making it clean, energy efficient and emission-free. It replaces the traditional industrial dryers that are associated with high energy consumption and heavy pollution.  

SuperDryer™ is versatile and easily scalable to fit any capacity requirements. The optimal drying conditions and final dryness of the product can be easily adjusted through operating parameters. Together with Zero-Ex® technology it cleans 100% of the exhaust air, eliminates harmful emissions and odors, and recovers 100% of spent energy. SuperDryer™ helps you meet the requirements of the latest environmental regulations and the energy challenges of modern industry. Read more: SuperDryer™ – clean, energy-efficient drying of sidestreams and sludges

Closed circulation:

ZeroEmissions ZeroOdors ZeroFog ZeroIce ZeroDust made with recovered waste energy 

Sludge is often digested to produce biogas. Digestion is not without problems though. Pollutants, foul odors and wasted energy – typical problems in the sludge handling.

Our proven Zero-Ex® closed circulation technology is specifically designed to combat these problems. In addition to reducing the harmful environmental impact of the sludge, Zero-Ex® also improves the efficiency of the processes by recovering wasted heat that would otherwise be exhausted into the atmosphere. Zero-Ex® enables a closed loop system in which the energy generated by the process can be recovered with zero waste. By minimizing energy consumption and maximizing the continued use of energy, it is possible to achieve up to 100% energy recovery. Zero-Ex® is tailored to suit all types of emissions, be it gases, particles, vapors or odors. Read more: Zero-Ex®– zero emissions to air

Energy saving

At TM Systems® we are very aware of the energy challenges and the pressure toward environmentally friendly operations in different process industries, therefore, we have put extra effort to further develop energy saving solutions including top-of-the-line heat recovery systems. We deliver solutions that cut energy costs and enable more environmentally friendly production without compromising on production rate.

TM Systems® has developed various heat recovery solutions for sludge treatment plants. With our optimized heat recovery solutions you save in energy while still being able to increase your production output. Read more: Energy saving by TM Systems®

Regulatory compliance

Sludge and waste treatment processes face an increasing amount of regulatory sustainability challenges. How to meet the limits without compromising the profitability of the business? Read more: Ensure your regulatory compliance with TM Systems® technology

This is TM Systems®

TM Systems® is a leading developer and supplier of industrial air, drying and emission control systems. We are setting standards in paper, board, tissue and pulp industries, mechanical wood, energy and bioenergy, mining, metal and recycling industries as well as industrial and urban waste and sidestream processes when turning waste into a source of energy or commodity with business value. We know how to turn an industrial drying process with zero emissions. Read more: TM Systems® in a nutshell