HVAC for Boliden Kevitsa

Safety First, Sustainability Always: Boliden Kevitsa Committed to Employee Well-being and Long-lasting Equipment 

Boliden Kevitsa (Finland) is proving that success in the industry goes hand in hand with a genuine concern for people and the planet. Collaborating with TM Systems, Boliden Kevitsa embarked on a journey to redefine the production environment, ensuring a harmonious blend of safety, sustainability, and efficiency.

Extreme weather conditions in Finnish Lapland (-40°C to +30°C) set exceptionally high requirements for controlling ventilation, temperature and air humidity. Working at an open pit mine, 40 meters above sea level in the middle of the wilderness with no infrastructure, with electricity only through portable generators is a real challenge even for the best professionals.   

By prioritizing employee well-being and investing in sustainable technology, Boliden Kevitsa secures its place as a leader in the Nordic and European mining landscape. 


TM Systems® offers HVAC equipment for machine halls, boiler rooms, control rooms, electrical rooms, laboratory and special rooms.

The client:

Boliden Kevitsa, Finland

TM Systems provided:

HVAC system for air control and purification


  • Improved and safer working conditions for personnel.
  • Minimized energy use with efficient design.
  • Prevention of condensation, deterioration, and corrosion of buildings, machinery, and electrical devices, extending their lifespan.

TM Systems provides: HVAC systems for haul truck maintenance hall 

TM Systems’ HVAC system controls air temperature and humidity level in the maintenance hall. The system also removes dust and exhaust gases from the maintenance hall air.  

The solution prevents condensation, deterioration, and corrosion of buildings, machinery, and electrical devices, thereby significantly extending their operational lifespan. 

The project resulted in a successful system installation 

The HVAC systems implemented in Boliden Kevitsa’s production rooms ensure a conducive working environment for their employees as well as contribute to the preservation of equipment, aligning with the company’s vision for long-lasting and sustainable operations. 

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