Zero-Ex® in China

Emission Reduction

Leading paper and board manufacturer in China is reducing their emissions

TM Systems has successfully conducted a project for emission capturing in collaboration with a long-term partner in China. Throughout this project, five Zero-Ex® units were installed to eliminate emissions from the production plant’s exhaust air.

A forerunner paper and board manufacturer in China is leading by example and shows how originally emission intensive processes can be designed sustainably. The company has started to lower its emissions drastically with Zero-Ex®, a game-changing emission control system by TM Systems that enables the creation of controlled circumstances in a closed process of air cleaning. It separates emissions from the exhaust air before releasing the air back to the process.

TM Systems® offers HVAC equipment for turbine halls, boiler rooms, control rooms, electrical rooms, laboratory and special rooms.

The client:

Asian Paper and Board Manufacturer

TM Systems provided:

Five Zero-Ex® units


  • VOC elimination
  • Elimination of odor
  • Removal of fog
  • Reduced investment costs

TM Systems product: Air purification by Zero-Ex®

At the site, Zero-Ex units have been quietly purifying the surrounding air since 2022. The 10-meter-tall tower with a 3-meter-tall emission capture unit, reduces levels of sulfuric compounds, VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and other fine particles by using specific scrubbing liquids depending on the exhaust type.  

To give an example of what emission capturing implies and on what scale, a regular sized paper or board machine runs around 200 cubic meters of air per second depending on the size of the mill. The air contains different greenhouse gases, such as CO2, VOCs, odor and particle emissions. 

Long-lasting partnership created optimal results

TM Systems and the long term partner have cooperated already over two decades. The partnership has contained several turnkey deliveries worldwide and a wide product portfolio has been provided by TM Systems. Zero-Ex being one of our latest innovations, it will help the customer to reach their emission control targets.

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